The Great Salt Race 5

The weather this past week has not exactly been Canoe friendly, so....the focus has been on boat building! Many thanks to my wife and kids for lending helping hands and words of encouragement as things move along.

Also wanted to thank my friends at Marketstar for their support and well wishes on this adventure. The details were announced in a corporate wide meeting last week and many have since reached out expressing their excitement and enthusiastic support. I am grateful to work for such an amazing company. Thank you all! #ourmarketstar

The Strong Back with its station blocks installed

This fun little contraption is a wood steamer. One simply boils water in the kettle, the steam fills the pipe and as the wood inside heats up it becomes very pliable and ready to shape.

The Bow and Stern of a canoe are supported by bent wood pieces called stems. Here are the stems bent and clamped to the mold.

The Station molds all set up, now the canoe starts to take shape!


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