It has been an exciting and eventful past few days, and I'm excited to report on our progress. First off, the weather, fickle as it has been, finally opened up enough to allow for some paddle time. So I've been taking my kayak out to Willard Bay in the mornings tracking my speed, distance, stroke patterns and really just trying to get the old paddle muscles acclimated to a steady persistent rhythm. My first morning out on the bay was gorgeous, and the fish were incredible. It was like some immense aquatic version of whack- a- mole, every where I looked fish were popping up, and just when one was heading back down another 15 were one their way up and out. It really was an incredible sight. Time on the lake isn't the only development from the past week. I also officially began work on the Canoe that will take us on our voyage around the Great Salt Lake. While the canoe itself is not yet underway, the Strong Back which is the foundation upon which the canoe ...